Moreen is a microcredit client of Whole Planet Foundation's partner MicroLoan Foundation in Malawi. She sells sarongs and other clothing items in her local community, using her microloan capital to purchase additional items to sell.

Microfinance Provides Opportunity
Aurora is part of Grameen America's program to reach women entrepreneurs in Houston, Texas. In order to recieve a small business loan from Grameen America, entrepreneurs form solidarity groups of five women. These groups meet regularly to provide support to each other and guarantee each others' loan repayment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, technology allowed borrowers to continue to stay in touch.
Video: Reaching Millions through our Microfinance Partners
We work with organizations who are passionate about helping their communities. Learn about our impact in South Africa with microfinance partner Small Enterprise Foundation.
Whole Planet in Miami

Whole Planet Impact
Since we were established by Whole Foods Market in 2005, we've funded 4.9 million microloans to help entrepreneurs improve their own lives. Loan repayments grow our impact over time.