Netra has taken two microloans from Whole Planet Foundation’s microfinance partner Nirdhan Utthan Bank in Nepal. Her loans have allowed her to transform her small stand into a full-fledged grocery. With her loans, she purchased a fridge and stock of drinks for sale and was also able to build the physical structure of her shop with the capital. Netra had just repaid her second loan of about $640 USD when we met her in September 2018 and was ready to apply for a third.
Microfinance Partner: Nirdhan Utthan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited
Nirdhan Utthan Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited, “the bank for upliftment of the poor” is a microfinance bank established in November 1998 under Company Act of Nepal 1997 (now Company Act 2006). The vision of NULBSL is to be a bank with a social conscience that enables poor to contribute equally to a prosperous, self-reliant rural society through self-employment and social awareness, and help to reduce poverty in Nepal.